About Us image
In the beginning a blissful ignorance hung over the earth...

"And when the Woman saw that the Tree was good and would make one wise, she took of the fruit"...

The "DRD4 Society" is an International Society of people who's 'Inherit' personality is consistent with a 'Genetic Marker', "drd4", that is scientifically known and routinely referred to as the: 'Curiosity', gene...

The philological, allegorical/metaphorical rendering that follows is only a surface level blending of science, literature and religion connecting the dots of the words, metaphors and allegories left to us over the ages by the Elders... Offering a 'Novel', scientifically and biblically plausible 'New 
Culture' of 'Intellectualism'... 

What The DRD4 story ‘IS’,,, is the summation of all the great philosophers dating from the Sumerians forward, including the message of organized religion itself... Using science, reason and logic to grasp the common, sometimes, cryptic message they provide... That when we apply reason and logic we then are freed from the ‘Cult’ of Culture… Once free from the blinding, controlling, cultural, 'dogma', that has always rejected thought, reason and logic one then achieves ‘Self-Governance’… serving not a 'Cultural' God, but god's creation, bound only by the natural laws of reason and logic …

 And, is that ‘not’ the message of the Elders?

I don’t think they ever said: to believe Caesars dogma, but only to pay what Caesar is owed…

Ever wonder why the "DRD4" gene, scientifically known and referred to as the Curiosity gene, is inherently contained within the genome of 'Only' half of the world's population?...

Who was the curious 'One' of the original two?

Regardless the name or origin affixed to that 'molecule', History shows its power to influence the direction and expanding knowledge of Mankind... From the Garden, to out of Africa, to now exploration of the Universe. Wanderlust, Curiosity and Novelty, free from restrictive dogma, combined with self-confidence, self-discipline and a moral compass has made it happen...

YES,,, it truly is a 'Trinity'; a trinity of 'Era's'...  the era of the Creator, the era of the Messenger. And, as foretold by that messenger, the era of, 'MAN'who transcends and casts-off the bondage of cultural 'dogma' ... 

Join us in this respite, cast off the shackles, dwell among the Giants. Sit with the Elders and marvel at the wisdom, eat from the tree, and celebrate the wonders of Logic, Reason and Objective thought...
For therein lies the 'Kingdom'...

Passover or Passed over?

The DRD4 society is by natures design an:
"'Exclusively Inclusive Society".

Contact 'US' :  GAW1950@aol.com