About image
A new 'ERA' is upon us: The 'Water Bearer', luke 22:10

           Enter the Dogma Free Zone


Everything in the Universe is an ever expanding 'Spiral', It's always the same, just 'Generationally' different... The key word is 'Expanding', because 'Constricting' only retards...

 Absorb the wisdom of the Elders, free from the restrictive, subliminally, controlling dogma in which it is most often presented...

The light to the miracle of life is within us...

Novelty...Wanderlust... Curiosity


authoritative, unsupported principals and rules of faith that cannot be questioned.

The DRD4 Society seeks principal supported by reason, logic and science...


Behavioral science has created the concept of"The Spectrum", to classify and categorize thoughts and behavior.

Some, like a spider who restricts itself to just one corner of it's web accept their assigned position within that spectrum, becoming just another brick in the wall. Enslaved by unquestionable, indoctrinating dogma...

Others, freely transcend the many and varied layers of that Spectrum (life) bound only by the natural restraints of logic, reason and integrity, mindful of the obligation to keep the arrow of that Compass pointing 'True North'...

Understand the "Why" of the sweat soaked, soulful, wailing and despair of the Delta Blues, the anger of a Rap Lyric, the anguish of a Van Gogh, the essence of the howl of the Wolf in the night....

The DRD4 Logo is all inclusive, beginning with the Molecule; (drd4), the ever-expanding infinity of the Human mind; (spiral) and the Compass to keep it based in reality...
                                                                           I got the gene

Comments and suggestions appreciated, Contact us
DRD4 Society @: Gaw1950@aol.com

  I got the 'gene'

An exclusively inclusive society.
Novelty, Wanderlust, Curiosity
Behavioral science has created the concept of "The Spectrum" to classify and categorize thoughts and behavior....  Some accept their position on that Spectrum while others are able to transcend it, seeing the spectrum (life) as a Xylophone while playing their own music up and down the scale bound only by the natural restraints of logic, reason and mortality absent any dogmatic influence and with only one obligation,,  keep the arrow of the Moral Compass pointing True North...      Life is the sweat soaked,soulful, wailing and despair of the Delta Blues, the anger of a Rap Lyric, the beckoning cry of the Wolf howling in the desert night, the light to the wailing within us.... DRD4.us 


Distinctive and Bold

Quality Craftsmanship

Our Store while not yet interactive, selective logo items such as Shirts, Hats and Decals may be ordered through direct contact at: drd4 society @yahoo.com Perfect for everyday use. Exceptional quality . 

Get yours today@

100% of all net donations and sales are dedicated to the:
 DRD4 Society Academic Scholarship Foundation...

Two essays, ( 250-word min)., judged as most original in describing the meaning of The DRD4 Society will each be awarded a min. $250.00  scholastic scholarship for academic year 23-24... Proof of enrollment required at awarding... Submission deadline 9/20/2023 

for details and application requirements visit....
DRD4 Society

Submit essay, proof of enrollment and contact information to:  GAW1950@aol.com


© 2022